ping ip位址

Ping - www.fifi.org品牌《LOGO殭屍化》~其實這樣也不錯(?) 圖片來自: 「LOGO」對家公司或是品牌來說,好像是個相當有辨別性的象徵~而品牌 LOGO 也會隨著時間過去,而有所改變,像是網站 StockLogos 預測品牌未來的LOGO演變,不過有些時候,其實也 Documentation Trigance web page Public services Ping Ping Help Traceroute Traceroute help FTP mirrors User info Mailing lists Secure server Multilingual usage Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Philippe Troin...


How to Ping an IP Address | eHow 暱稱:     ♥欣欣♥  性別:     女  生日:     8月/18日 獅子座  血型:     O  The ability to ping an IP address is vital to network troubleshooting. Ping utilizes the ICMP ECHO protocol and simply sends a packet to a specified destination. The packet that is sent is called an ECHO_REQUEST. If the target destination is reachable, it...
