Pingu - Official Site 笑一笑吧 !... 相傳,歷史上的周瑜與諸葛亮有一段精彩的經典對話。 周瑜十分嫉妒諸葛亮的才智,總想找藉口殺他.在一次宴會上,周瑜對諸葛亮說:「孔明先生,我吟首詩你來對,對出來有賞,對不出殺頭問罪如何?」諸葛亮從容笑道:「軍中無戲言,請都督說。」 周瑜大喜,開口便PINGU is about the adventures of a young penguin and his daily experiences of his world. And when the young penguin is Pingu and his world is the snowy, surprising South Pole, everyday life can become extraordinary and hilarious. More than one billion peo...