High Quality Pink Noise | wav mp3 Audio Files Download外國藝術家Andrew Myers很神奇用螺絲釘來作畫,而且還釘出立體感,整個人臉的凹凸線條都非常的明顯,不只這樣連臉部的顏色都相當寫實,要在螺絲上面調色選色是相當不容易的我們來看看他的鬼釘神工.... 是不是很有立體感 看起來有點像是點陣列創作的模式 顏色是不是相當逼真呢,Mabee小編覺得好像以Download Links and other Pages of Interest If you are interested in the CD-quality version of our pink noise sample: clicking the down arrow ↓ (next to the playback button) triggers a high quality .wav file download. in longer durations: download our 15-m...