LEVI'S 洋洋得意過新春 新年系列商品盡顯「紅」色魅力 放肆過年「趣」
"Shut Down The Pirate Bay," Founder Says | TorrentFreak為了迎接2015農曆年節的到來,LEVI’S®搶先推出新年主題系列新品,發揮品牌擅長的創意巧思以充滿活力熱情與「東方年節氣息的紅色」及「西方味濃厚的公羊頭圖騰」注入男女服飾系列,不僅散發歡度新年的節慶氣氛,東西方元素的趣味碰撞也突顯品牌源自於街頭的活力與熱情態度。 LEVI&rsCurrently on a speech tour in Brazil, Tobias Andersson, one of the original founders of The Pirate Bay, says the site should shut down to make room for something better. “The Pirate Bay in its current form must end. It's not built and meant for what is co...