【DADA】 帆布皮革拼接高筒鞋 「FLORAL」碎花別注款清新登場
Pirate Bay blockade begins with Virgin Media | Technology | theguardian.com帆布皮革拼接高筒鞋 「FLORAL」碎花別注款清新登場 高筒休閒鞋一直是復古時尚的穿搭重點,知名美式運動品牌DADA SUPREME打造全新系列休閒高筒鞋「SNIPER HIGH」,以創新的帆布與皮革拼剪裁,帶給你休閒時尚的全新體驗。 「FLORAL」少女最愛粉嫩碎花 充滿女孩甜蜜氣息的The filesharing website The Pirate Bay has been blocked to millions of UK internet users following a high court ruling earlier this week. Customers of the country's second-biggest internet service provider (ISP), Virgin Media, were on Wednesday denied acc...