pixel art app

piq - online pixel art drawing app      有 一位大學教授,在物理考卷出一條他認為很滿意的考題:「有條老問題:『有多少隻小天使能在一根繡花針的針頭飛舞?』用以下的資料回答這問題:每隻小天使要有一個方圓和一顆金原子相同的圓圈跳舞。針頭是平面圓形,平面面績等於十萬顆銀原子的面績。請清楚寫明所有piq is a fun, easy-to-use online pixel art program with a number of cool unique features. It's designed to let you create and share great pixel art, logos or favicons quickly and easily. As well as the program itself, there is a gallery where you can uplo...


Make Pixel Art - The Original Pixel Art Drawing App for iPad, Mac and PC!    小馬和小虎一起去打獵,看到樹上有很多鳥, 小虎就用英語大聲叫「There are birds on the tree, shot them quickly」鳥聽見了,馬上逃去。小馬說:「真是可惜!」小虎說:「我唯恐小鳥懂本國語,特地用英語,沒想到現在連鳥的教育水Now available for iPad, Mac and PC. The original pixel art drawing app! Share your drawings online instantly. ... OR Serious about pixel art? Power up with your pixels with an artist profile on MakePixelArt.com. Automatically create an online gallery of y...


PIXEL: LED ART | An LED display for retro pixel art that includes commissioned art from pixel artist      有個小姐逛街走入一家店時, 店門口有一隻鸚鵡大聲的喊[歡迎光臨] ,她覺得很好奇, 想試試看這隻鸚鵡是不是真的這麼聰明,就又走了出去結果這隻鸚鵡真的對她說 [謝謝光臨]。她覺得很好玩,於是又走了進去, [歡迎光臨]又走了出來 [謝謝光臨]。她來來回In the Box 1,024 RGB LEDs (32×32) for PIXEL and 4,096 RGB LEDs for SUPER PIXEL Includes a desktop stand and is also wall mountable Included microSD card for local storage and operation Free Apps for Android, PCs, and Raspberry Pi Interchangeable front ......


A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art |      姜 先生是個出名的花花公子,一日,他太太生日要先生帶她到跳脫衣舞的夜總會開開眼界,姜先生被纏得沒法子只得照辦。當他們到達夜總會門口時,身穿制服的侍者立刻趨前有禮的說:〝姜先生,歡迎光臨〞姜先生緊張的想制止,而太太卻怒眼相視,走進夜總會裡,領班過來問241 A Pixel Artist Renounces Pixel Art I’ve wanted to write this article for some time now, and this seems like the perfect opportunity to do so. For those of you who are aware of Dinofarm Games and our recent release, Auro for iOS and Android, you know t...


PXLPNT: A simple but addictive pixel art generator - TNW Apps      小小張和小李死後都到了另一個境地, 神仙:你們生前可有鬼混嗎? 得老實回答小張:老實說, 我生前的確是有個情婦 神仙:好, 那我給你一部普通車 小李:我生前只是偶爾逢場作戲罷了 神仙:很好, 那我給你一部高級車&nbsProbably the geekiest branch of the art world, pixel art captures the retro charm of the 8-bit computers of the 1980s. PXLPNT is a web-based pixel art generator that’s beautiful in its simplicity, letting you create your own art with ease. The Web app is ...


Pixen - Official Site      一對新婚不久的年輕夫妻,收到許多親朋好友送的結婚禮物,其中,有一個信封,裡面只是裝著兩張電影票和一張小紙條,小紙條上面只寫了五個小字:猜猜我是誰?這對夫妻想了半天就是想不出來。誰會送電影票給他們呢?「算了吧!乾脆不要想了,既然人家是一番好意,我們今天晚上就去Pixen pixel art editor for Mac OS X Pixen is a pixel art editor designed for working with low-resolution raster art, such as those 8-bit sprites found in old-school video games. With innovative features like a color palette system, patterns, and high-zoom...
