Pixel art in Photoshop, pixel, isometric building, isometric #靠北老公17137 我因老公外遇所以我們離婚了但為了小孩我還是回歸這個家來沒想到一年比一年慘(快六年了)他因為無法忘懷對方開始使用毒品逃避好笑的是毒品來至他姐和姪女怎麼會有這樣子的家人而他竟然還是保護她們我付出的永遠不及她們從一個月給18000變7000變1000至今變0元用毒品用I will try my best to explain how to make isometric buildings. There are many programs one can use for pixelart. The one I use is Photoshop. Be careful only to use non-anti-aliased tools. This tutorial is meant for people who have basic knowledge about pi...