Peanut Butter Cup Dessert Pizza Recipe - Allrecipes.com 話說,下面這位是來自俄羅斯的退休大媽,她叫Tatiana Subbotina,今年62歲。 大媽退休之前是工程師,退休之後也沒有閒著... 她在YouTube上開了一個頻道,時不時會在上面po些視頻。 剛開始,她發的都是些給孩子們看的視頻... 然而,這樣發了一段時間後,她解鎖了一個Recipe by April R Phelps "This dessert pizza pairs nicely with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a cup of vanilla coffee, or a tall glass of cold milk! I made this for my son's high school graduation, for Reese's® Peanut Butter Cups are his favorite! I wanted...