Voyager Edge - Plantronics - Plantronics Wireless Headsets, Bluetooth Headset, Office and C 亞洲的國會亂象,時常登上國際新聞版面,包括台灣、韓國以及日本等,都常看到上演全武行來抗議的激烈舉動,而瑞典的女議員 Jenny Wenhammar 則是相當不同阿,以裸體的方式來抗議許多不合理的事件,藉以爭取曝光,不過這種抗議方式,也被所屬綠黨取消國會大選資格,相信又會再引起波瀾,上演抗Plantronics Voyager Edge bluetooth headset provides audio performance and comfort with intuitive, responsive features and its own portable charging case. ... Rated 5 out of 5 by BusinessMan from Mic clarity and software, above all. I work on the road and ...