全新C-Class Coupe 雙門轎跑精彩出世
PlayStation®3 System - PS3™ Console, Bundles, PS3™ Games & Accessories Benz雖以豪華旗艦房車頗受歡迎,但雙門轎跑C Coupe已是招牌車系,車型兼具美型、質感、運動感。Benz C Coupe 新一代的車型更年輕化,動力表現更佳,內裝也更升級。 Benz這次全新引進的雙門轎跑C Coupe,售價有203萬起的入門款C Coupr180 萬、及267萬Find new level of fun with PlayStation®3 system and get latest PS3 games, accessories and bundles. Know all about the PlayStation®3 system features, including top PS3 system games and info about the PS3 console’s....