Play That Funky Music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia電話推銷太多,英國人乾脆把自己號碼改成收費電話 萬惡的推銷電話,會在你吃飯的時候鈴鈴響鬧破壞食慾,還會在你煲劇入戲的時候嗡嗡震動,電話那頭的推銷員永遠不會管你當下正在幹嘛。 那麼,為什麼英國佬Lee Beaumont每次接到推銷電話卻都無比興奮滿足呢? 哈哈,因為你打Lee Beaum"Play That Funky Music" is a song written by Rob Parissi and recorded by the band Wild Cherry. The performers on the classic recording included the members of the band at the time: lead singer Parissi, guitarist Bryan Bassett, bassist Allen Wentz and drum...