Plus+ | The premium social play network for iPhone, iPod touch & iPad日前,一個胸部豐滿的女人被指控用自己的D罩杯雙乳企圖悶死自己的男朋友。弗萊齊斯卡‧漢森,33歲,被其男友以「攜帶武器企圖謀殺」的罪名控告。其做律師的男友稱弗萊齊斯卡以假裝玩性愛遊戲卻試圖用她豐滿的雙乳將自己悶死。 每日郵電報報導,114斤的弗萊齊斯卡來自德國,她否認了男友的謀殺說法,稱那僅僅是個性愛Spotlight on Plus+ Become a Train Conductor today! Be Your Own Cake Boss! Create your very own fantasy! Become Your Own Mayor! Puzzle Madness Frogs in your pocket ?! Tap to a new beat Control trains with the swipe of a finger and avoid disastrous ......