Unspecific stimulation with PMA + ionomycin vs. PHA for intracellular cytokine staining of T cells這是我當黑客以來接到的一項最具挑戰性的生意,是去黑另一個黑客的電腦。工欲善其事,必先利其器,我很明白現今裝備的重要性,于是我把自己從頭武裝到腳,包裝上了全黑的緊身夜行衣和戴上墨鏡。這樣我看起來就很黑很客,很重很要了。一出門,我就給車撞了……司機下車后,打著強光手電筒找了好Dear Felix, I have an experience with PMA(10ng/ml) plus Ionomycin (1um) and also with PHA(0.3 ug/ml) on human PBMC activation for 48hr.I have measured different types of cytokine including IFN-gamma in cell couture supernatant by Elisa .in this experience...