Forum - Gameplay Help and Discussion - Noperative's Beginner Guide to Path of Exile - Path of Exile記得以前有聽過一個說法說最適合接吻的身高差是12公分,相信應該也有不少人聽說過~不過,女孩子的高跟鞋一穿,馬上就長高5~12公分,實在是很難目測真實身高對於身高差這一件事情,少女漫畫中一直有在討論▼像近期的小雞之戀 那個身高差真的有夠驚人的 同樣的,也有探討女高男矮類型▼戀愛情結 (偷偷推,這部是小Currency that is rarely used for trading, usually people will try to buy these by the hundreds rather than accepting one or two due to how easy they are to get. A lot of people will just keep a few stacks of these currencies to use on their own items rath...