愛情是享受 婚姻是忍受
Apache POI - Component Overview *當男人喜歡一個女人的時候,他就會表現出風度; 當女人知道那個男人喜歡自己的時候,她就會索求無度 *女人先表現自己大方,男人就不敢小氣 *人生的三大悲劇:美人會老、愛情會冷、婚姻會舊 *聰明女人定律:越多男人喜歡妳,越不需要妳做決定; HWPF is our port of the Microsoft Word 97 (-2003) file format to pure Java. It supports read, and limited write capabilities. It also provides simple text extraction support for the older Word 6 and Word 95 formats. Please see the HWPF project page for mo...