Apache POI - Official Site某日,駱駝母子在聊天… 駱駝弟弟:「媽媽,為什麼我們的腳上面有厚厚的蹄呢?」 駱駝媽媽:「那是為了我們在沙漠中行走方便。」 駱駝弟弟:「那為什麼我們的皮也這麼厚?」 駱駝媽媽:「這樣才不會在沙漠中曬傷囉!」 駱駝弟弟:「喔…那我們背上這兩駝東西又是做什麼用的呢?」 駱駝媽The Apache POI team is pleased to announce the release of 3.11, our next stable release. Featured are a several new areas of functionality, and numerous bug fixes. A summary of changes is available in the Release Notes. A full list of changes ......