Pom Pom Island - Official Site (圖片搜尋自網路,與本文無關) 交女友、找工作、家庭婆媳關係、負債、還款、買房、投資...每一項拎出來都能單獨講好多個故事。目前批踢踢實業坊Boy-Girl版ID為windows55的男鄉民竟然在二十幾歲的短短人生裡,講這些全部都經歷了一遍!依靠自己的力量,目前他已勝利Pom Pom Island is around 45 minutes by boat from Borneo’s coast; it has rich tropical vegetation and is surrounded by white sand and the turquoise waters of the Celebes Sea. It is on this part of the beautiful island that “Pom Pom Island Resort & Spa” fin...