Cake Pop Recipe - Best Of, eat - Little Miss Momma在墨西哥北部《奇瓦瓦城》的一家婚紗店裏,一尊有著80多年歷史的婚紗模特兒就站立於櫥窗前。「它」眺望著遠方,身材瘦小,有著一抹淡淡的微笑,肢體看似柔軟,如同真人! 這個婚紗模特兒被當地人稱為「帕斯卡拉」小姐,80多年前,就流傳著一種UPDATE: I have just learned how to keep your cake pops from falling off the stick when you try to cover them in chocolate! After you shape the cake into little balls, put them in the freezer for about 10 minutes so they are super chilled. Then continue wi...