pop the cherry meaning

Urban Dictionary: pop the cherry開學要面對新的環境,是每位學生都需要度過的過渡期,但你相信嗎...中國湖北省有一批孩子,開學第一天,竟然需要自己帶課桌椅去上學... 湖北麻城市順河鎮有5000多名學生,開學前,約2000套新課桌被分配到鎮上的一所希望小學和中心小學,餘下的3000多個孩子只能自帶課桌去上學。 這根本是台灣學生難以想Top Definition. pop the cherry ... She bled for hours after he popped the cherry with his needle. by urban ... 10 Words related to pop the cherry. virginity · sex ......


Urban Dictionary: cherry pop   南韓的學生不像我們一樣,有學校規定的書包可以背,所以通常都會選用容量大的後背包。最近南韓學生似乎背後背包上癮了,連零食餅乾也把它黏在一起來背了!   ▼零食包,不是裝滿零食的包包,而是用零食作成的包包(擦汗)   ▼背帶還是長條型糖果黏在一起組成的背帶  Top Definition. cherry pop. When a girl who is a virgin has sex for the first time with a guy. A piece of skin inside of her vagina is moved once the guy has "put it ......


Urban Dictionary: pop your cherry讓哥來示範甚麼樣的仆街才會讓人心動不已! 連仆手臂都這麼可愛! 仆桌子也很萌,快來模仿這招(咦) 老子連牆壁都能靠著睡 女孩們尖叫吧!!!!!!!!   剛下班回來馬上仆沙發是必要的   等等 不要用這個角度拍照啊 我要抓好黃金角度再修圖欸 最後糾一群好兄弟大家一起仆  Top Definition. pop your cherry ... Suitor number 1: "Bitch Ima pop your cherry!" Lady in ... wow i just popped her cherry "crys in the background" "why the fuck ......


Urban Dictionary: pop her cherry你們對於女生們的香閨有甚麼樣的遐想呢? 看了這些一定會顛覆你的想像.......   讓女孩們來教你怎麼看雜誌 學著點啊! 你以為只有你們有武器嗎 這才是真正的火力強大   女孩們教你們怎麼好好曬內衣 這還用說嗎,這樣比較快乾啊!     湊齊一桌就可以開打啦pop her cherry. when a guy takes a girls virginity and she starts to bleed. and if it doesn't bleed then it means the guy has a small dick. brian: hey did i pop your ......


Urban Dictionary: popped my cherry看到這些真的讓我倒抽了三口氣,完全神模仿!!!!!!! 兼具環保與創意功能 真是好玩好看好善良啊                           還有顧慮到光源,非常Top Definition. popped my cherry. when a girls hymen is torn and starts bleeding either a little bit or a lot (depends on the girl). It is normally torn by a guys penis ......
