Pug's Eye popping out of its socket - YouTube 看看以下這女孩這麼兇,有多霸道啊~ 不過戀愛就是這樣:你只能是我的唯一,不是嗎? 要牽著我的手走遍城市的大街小巷啊混蛋… 要常常給我準備小驚喜啊混蛋 要帶我回你的母校走走落滿秋葉的小道啊混蛋 要在街上和我旁若無人的接吻不許害羞啊混蛋 要帶我去海邊露營看日出my poor pug didnt come in from the garden and went to look and see blood then noticed his eye - dont know if my big dog has biten him. Took him to emergency night vet and his eye is popping out and he has lost it - has ro be removed : ( been given antibio...