porsche 911

Porsche 911 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 去過哪裡不重要,感受對了才重要。 1、時光越老,人心越淡。曾經說好了生死與共的人,到最後老死不相往來。歲月是賊,總是不經意地偷去許多,美好的容顏,真實的情感,幸福的生活。也許我們無法做到視若無睹,但也不必干戈相向。畢竟誰都擁有過花好月圓的時光,那時候,就要做好有一天被洗劫一空的準備。—The Porsche 911 (pronounced Nine Eleven or German: Neunelf) is a two-door, 2+2 high performance sports car made since 1963[1] by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. It has a distinctive design with rear-mounted six cylinder boxer engine and independent rear...


Porsche All 911 Models - Porsche Cars North America 大陸的犀利哥所為是流浪漢,但帥氣的臉龐以及多層次穿搭法也讓媒體們爭相報導,戰鬥民族攝影師 Yurko Dyachyshyn 以手上的相機,則記錄下他相當感興趣的一名流浪漢 Slavik,這名流浪漢就住在他的社區內,但每天都會更換不同的服裝,以他個人獨到的穿搭方式在街頭911 Carrera 911 Carrera Black Edition 911 Carrera S 911 Carrera GTS 911 Carrera Cabriolet 911 Carrera Cabriolet Black Edition 911 Carrera S Cabriolet 911 Carrera GTS Cabriolet 911 Carrera 4 911 Carrera 4 Black Edition 911 Carrera 4S 911 Carrera 4 GTS 911 ...


PorscheArchive - a timeline of every Porsche model: specification, driving, variations, photographs,簡直沒有極限了.....XDDD a timeline of every Porsche model: specification, driving, variations, photographs, option, colour and country codes and more... ... Timeline for every decade of Porsche from the 50's to the 21st Century! Porsche Archive provides a unique source of everyt...
