portable photoshop cs5 english

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.1 Portable繁中免安裝版 » 自由星工坊人類...別再抄襲我們了!!!! 這軟體大家應該都聽過吧,能作圖檔的修改與變化,CS5檔案有夠大,喜歡Photoshop的可以試試 解壓後執行Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended 12.0.1 TW (ThinApp).exe,已設定為繁中介面 此為壓縮封裝製作,解壓後單一執行檔大小為 251 MB,無法再次解壓,免註冊...


Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended英文/簡體中文/繁體中文綠色版 - 精品綠色便攜軟體這也太恐怖... Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended軟體為出眾的圖像選擇、圖像潤飾、逼真的繪圖和3D突出提供了突破性功能。體驗高性能的64位支持以及整個工作流程中的眾多省時功能。 完美者精品論壇的Ansifa最近發佈了Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended綠色漢化版,是基於 ......


The House of Portable: Portable Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended [ALL LANG] +Plugins (incl. Bridge)嘩...好神奇@@ The House of Portable said... use the CS6!! Iz nearly the same as the cs6, ut it's better, has new things that you can discover by you, listen to ur textbook and learn using photoshop.... we used te cs5 and then now the cs6, they're the same but cs6 has n...
