【Dappei 服飾穿搭誌】領子即面子 早春換季一定要懂得如何『頸』上添花
Post Consumer vs. Pre-Industrial Recycled Content: What's the Difference? - Green-Buildings.com Gree 適時讓造型多些層次感,最容易上手的莫過於各式領巾,無論是運用在街頭潮流或是雅痞休閒,薄薄一條領巾既可造型又可以阻擋甫入春天的寒意,甚至還可以透過服飾面料的層次營造領間層次感的搭配,除了領巾、領結、圍巾之外,頸部造型還可以如何變化呢?無論隨興地在胸前繞兩圈或是打個細緻的結,都能夠讓穿搭不過於平凡單調Question: Isobel asks: Hi, this question is in relation to MRc4 – recycled content under LEED NC2.2. I have data from a vendor for a product that lists the recycled content under a column “Post Industrial”. How does Post and Pre Industrial fit into the re...