Convert kg to pound - Conversion of Measurement Units這是我從小到大的好朋友 上大學前他長這樣...就跟一般男生沒什麼差別... 我想說他上了大學後頂多變成這樣吧.. 結果他開始會上傳一些神秘的照片 跟他以前很不一樣的...像這種... 好吧我想說有可能是特殊表演服 直到我看到這張... 阿..... 大學到底對他做了什麼!Quickly convert kilograms into pounds (kg to pound) using the online calculator for metric conversions and more. ... More information from the unit converter How many kg in 1 pound? The answer is 0.45359237. We assume you are converting between kilogram a...