power point 2010

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Tutorials一群男人竟然在游泳池邊......... PowerPoint 2010 is the next version of Microsoft's presentation program. This site publishes tutorials and how-tos for all the new features. ... Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 was released to the public three years ago, and now PowerPoint 2010 is on the horizo...


來用PowerPoint 2010做動畫影片! - 輔仁大學開放式課程-Fu Jen OCW真的耶~~ 1. 將「女性(下圖1)」和「書架(下圖2)」的圖片,以及標題文字插入PowerPoint 2010(下圖3),再將女性放在PowerPoint的編輯區外面,而書架與牆壁的圖片則填滿整個編輯區。...
