Death by PowerPoint - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare見笑轉生氣又有一次 大過年的 大家又齊聚一堂因為小孩子被嚴重警告不准說"死" 不准說不好聽的話 不准說"鬼"想也知道 我堂弟小白經過他媽一整年的訓練 應該會比較懂事點了吧因為我奶奶過年是會炊粿 小孩通常是被限制進廚房的但我堂弟小白很受寵 連帶我沾他光 可以進廚房先吃點年夜飯要吃的菜老一輩的人最怕在炊Fighting death by PowerPoint... How to make a presentation and not to bore your audience to death. ... Transcript of "Death by PowerPoint" 1. Death by PowerPoint (and how to fight it) Alexei Kapterev 2. There are 300 million PowerPoint users...