powershell bat

易學易用的 Windows PowerShell你也是吧.... 腳本語言源自早期文字模式的命令列電腦系統,在當時只能以鍵盤敲入命令才能操作電腦的情況下,為了減少某些需要不斷重複敲入命令的情況,電腦作業系統的命令處理器(在 UNIX 的世界這通常稱為 command shell)提供了「批次操作」(batch operation)的 ......


Batch to PowerShell - Syntax Differences | PowerShell content from Windows IT Pro看得我都想上去扶她一把了.....@_@ In my last article, I made the argument that you should stop writing batch files (Cmd.exe shell scripts) and instead focus your efforts on learning PowerShell. Of course, there is always a learning curve to new technologies, and Windows PowerShell is no e...
