【日內瓦車展】Alpina『新豪華旗艦』2017 B7 BiTurbo現身,『3.7秒』破百加速實力
Conversion of KG/hr to ppm - Control.com - Forum for Automation ProfessionalsisCar! BMW 7-Series新世代旗艦的G12 760Li xDrive在2016日內瓦車展首度登場,挾著歷代最大的車體尺碼、引擎排量與動力輸出,加上豪華至極的內裝配備,也重新詮釋7-Series旗艦的定義!一貫擅長再造Bimmer車款使其擁有優雅氣質與強悍性能的Alpina You have not given enough information to help you. For example: 1. What units are you referring to by "ppm"? Parts per million, pounds per minute? 2. You have not told us how much Benzene there is in the off gas. 3. If ppm refers to parts per million, ppm...