
Firewall (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In computing, a firewall is a network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on an applied rule set. A firewall typically establishes a barrier between a trusted, secure internal network and another network (e.g., th...


Cisco Equipment Performance (per pps and Mbps) Cisco Forum FAQ | DSLReports, ISP Information  FAQ: Cisco Equipment Performance (per pps and Mbps) Cisco Forum ... Introduction You plan to purchase Cisco router but not sure how fast they are? Or you just need to know how fast your Cisco router you already have?...


Manual:IP/Firewall/NAT - MikroTik Wiki德國法蘭克福發行的一份報紙(Frankfurter Allegemeine)上,刊登了一篇真實事件, 汽車小偷跟失竊車主之間有趣的通信。 我們可以發覺,在德國擁有汽車的成本主要不在於車輛本身, 而是使用時所需的維修、稅金及保險費。 --------------Basic examples Source NAT If you want to "hide" the private LAN "behind" one address given to you by the ISP, you should use the source network address translation (masquerading) feature of the MikroTik router. The masquerading w...


Manual:IP/Firewall/Filter - MikroTik Wiki一位小姐在折扣商店挑了一些東西,終於輪到她結帳時,才發現有一個商品上沒有標價,櫃檯用廣播向在貨架附近的店員查詢價格,整間店的人都聽得到,接下來想像一下這情況有多尷尬~「第 13 排的,查一下,特大號的 TAMPAX (衛生棉條) 多少錢?」更糟的是,在後面的某人,很顯然是誤解了,把『TAMPAX』聽Basic examples Router protection Lets say our private network is and public (WAN) interface is ether1. We will set up firewall to allow connections to router itself only from our local network and drop the rest. Also we will allow ICMP prot...


Profit switching LTC pool - LTCRabbit.com這個故事發生在去年 10 月一所美國一流大學中。生物學的課堂中,教授正在講解精液裏含有很高比例的葡萄糖。一個女生新鮮人舉手發問:「如果我理解得沒錯,你的意思是它應該是甜的?」「對!」教授回答,並準備要補充一些資料。那個女生又舉手問:「那為什麼它吃起來不是甜的?」一陣死寂之後,全班爆笑,而那個可憐的女LTC and X11 mining with LTCRabbit Sometimes it takes long to find a new coin block. The rabbit covers the risk of variance and pays you immediately every hour (PPS) Save 40% energy and mine X11 coins with LTCRabbit. You get paid comfortably in LTC (more ....


Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry電影裡,律師唇槍舌劍好不厲害,其實,翻開美國各級法院的正式紀錄,不難找到一些律師可笑的問話:---------------------------------------------------問:「你認識這相片上的人嗎?」答:「那個人是我。」問:「拍攝那張相片時你在場嗎?」@#%&*@#$%..我Service Name Port Number Transport Protocol Description Assignee Contact Registration Date Modification Date Reference Service Code Known Unauthorized Uses Assignment Notes amberon 8301 tcp Amberon PPC/PPS [Ronald_Snyder] [Ronald_Snyder] 2006 ......
