ASUS PQ321 Ultra HD 4K 31.5-inch Monitor Review 這個大佬,簡直就是香港商界的一朵奇葩、行走的人形泰迪,一生致力於泡妞加花樣敗家,60多年了,不僅沒敗光家產,身價反而超過十億! 他就是卓能地產集團的創始人, 也是四大船王之一趙從衍的兒子—— 趙世曾 。 他In this article, HotHardware takes a detailed look at the ASUS PQ321 Ultra HD 4K 31.5-inch Monitor ... There are couple of things in the spec sheet that we'll play close attention to in this review. The response time, for one, is bit higher than we're use...