Practical Arduino: Appliance Remote Control在「士兵盤點」系列圖片中,攝影師記錄了13套不同歷史時代英國士兵的裝備。圖中裝備像極了中世紀的武器。 在『士兵盤點』系列圖片中,攝影師記錄了13套不同歷史時代英國士兵的裝備。根據中新網報導,1916年索姆河戰役中一位列兵的裝備。一戰是人類歷史上第一次現代戰爭,但也相當初級,圖中裝備像極了中Appliance Remote Control One of the basic tasks in many home automation systems is controlling power to appliances. They could be lights, or a heater, or an exhaust fan, or just about anything else that runs on mains power. The problem of course is that i...