不滿 Instagram 愛刪女性露點照 眾女星響應「解放乳頭」活動
Practice Makes Perfect | Redefining the Summer School Experience 麥莉愛在網路上上傳自己的裸照舉動我們早習以為常,除了常在自己的個人社群帳號上上傳裸照、為雜誌拍攝裸照外,她還常在作品、表演中加上許多兒童不宜的戲碼,引發爭議。只是這次她在 instagram 上的「麥莉一脫」照片背後,竟有著目的,原來是不滿Instagram愛刪女性露點照,才會以這種方法諷刺,希望Corporations At Practice Makes Perfect we realize that our impact is greatest when people band together in large numbers. In this realization process we said to ourselves: “Imagine how cool it would be if we could get corporations involved in helping us r...