Practice Makes Perfect | Redefining the Summer School Experience 圖片翻攝 下同/BLOG 真是小看大學教授們的腦袋了,從他們開設的課程名單看得出,是用血淚來想的啊! 為了搶學生,連那個課程也開了......教授您的用心連外太空都能感受到了!! 1.英國利物浦大學 靈學--超心理研究,靈魂出竅,頻死經驗談… 2.倫敦大學伯貝克學院 浪漫研究學--這Corporations At Practice Makes Perfect we realize that our impact is greatest when people band together in large numbers. In this realization process we said to ourselves: “Imagine how cool it would be if we could get corporations involved in helping us r...