[專題企畫-全新Jimny改裝範本一覽] PART1. Jimny的前世今生
Post Consumer vs. Pre-Industrial Recycled Content: What's the Difference? - Green-Buildings.com Gree大人氣四代目誕生,解放現代人的束縛 !! 其實這輛車會有大爆發的人氣並非偶然,相較於現代人忙碌的生活,在這壓抑許久的環境下為求生存,總是需要有一個窗口來散發這滿肚子的怨氣,四代目Jimny在保持越野底子,卻又大幅提昇舒適度的設定下,於是搭上了這波需要被解放的潮流,超級大爆發在這個世紀…… 圖/顧Question: Isobel asks: Hi, this question is in relation to MRc4 – recycled content under LEED NC2.2. I have data from a vendor for a product that lists the recycled content under a column “Post Industrial”. How does Post and Pre Industrial fit into the re...