Post Consumer vs. Pre-Industrial Recycled Content: What's the Difference? - Green-Buildings.com Gree 話說,很多人小時候可能都曾經在自己父母的威迫利誘下拍過各種奇葩的童年照, 大紅嘴唇,紅彤彤的臉蛋,再加上奇怪髮型和服裝,勾畫出那個時代社會的獨特審美,成就了一幅我們餘生都不想再去回味的畫面... 要說的是,這樣的童年照,並不是我們童年特有的... 在國外,Question: Isobel asks: Hi, this question is in relation to MRc4 – recycled content under LEED NC2.2. I have data from a vendor for a product that lists the recycled content under a column “Post Industrial”. How does Post and Pre Industrial fit into the re...