Exercise on Passive Voice - Present Progressive小明看見小強拿著一面鏡子站在湖邊小明:小強,你在那裡做什麼.小強:我在釣魚. 大明:用鏡子釣?小強:不錯,這是一種新的釣魚法,我就要發大財了.小明:你能把這個方法告訴我嗎?小強:能,你給我一百元我就告訴你小明乖乖付錢.小強:好,方法是這樣的,你把鏡子對著水面, 一看見有魚游過就馬上用鏡子的反光去嚇它Exercise on Passive Voice - Present Progressive Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. - My father is washing the car. - Farmer Joe is milking the cows. - She is taking a picture of him. - I am writing a poem. - We are no...