Exercises on Passive Voice - present-progressive :: Present-progressive快要期末考了,老師提醒同學們要努力溫習,志強問老師:「今次期末考的題目難不難?」老師回答說:「十分容易。」同學們聽了都很高興,可是看了題目後 ,大家都哭喪著臉,不會作答。事後志強埋怨老師「老師,你說期末考的題目十分容易,你欺騙我們。」老師回答說:「我沒有欺騙你們,只有十分題目是容易的,其餘九十分題目Exercise on Passive Voice - Present Progressive Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. - My father is washing the car. - Farmer Joe is milking the cows. - She is taking a picture of him. - I am writing a poem. - We are no...