電競女神張小筑出寫真 電玩女王艾瑞絲驚喜現身新書簽名會
BBC World Service | Learning English | Grammar Challenge電競女神張小筑醞釀兩年首出寫真 可愛甜心轉型性感女神 搶占博客來排行榜第一 新書簽名會好友電玩女王艾瑞絲驚喜現身 ▲《Chu一個吧!》張小筑寫真書新書簽名會 超高知名度的「電競女神」張小筑FB粉絲專頁追蹤人數已超過70萬,擁有大批死忠宅男粉絲,長相甜美可人又擁有深藏不露好身材,寫真書一Present perfect passives On Grammar Challenge we've already looked at simple passives and continuous passives. But how can we put present perfect sentences into the passive voice? We challenge Veronica from Spain to show us how it's done... Listen to the...