秋意時分 Autumn Jackets
Press Fit Ball Plungers | Ball Plungers 【9月號COVER_GUY】趙又廷 靈魂共鳴的幸福 【9月號人物UNO_GUY】陳曉東 二十年明星路 【9月號編輯穿搭推薦】秋意時分 【9月號跟著編輯嘗鮮】尋覓美好咖啡源頭 【9月號編輯超強分析】渾身是勁 【9月號編輯保養術公開】打擊換季敏感 執行、文字/YenLin 攝影/Ajerry SungPress-Thru Spring and Ball Plungers Our line of Press-Thru spring and ball plungers have the same dimensions, spring pressures, and materials as our standard press fit product line. They are designed without the flange on the nose end to allow for the ins...