Press Releases - The Coca-Cola Company: The Coca-Cola Company 世界上幾乎每個人都做夢, 在夢裡,我們能見到我們的家人、朋友、老師.. 我們也能見到在現實生活中從未見過的陌生人... 那麼,在你的夢裡,你見過下面這個男人嗎? 如果沒有,也很正常, 但如果見過.... 你和全世界幾千人一樣,在夢裡見過同一個男人。 &nbRead the latest news about The Coca-Company. ... Breakthrough Innovation Showcased at World Expo Milan MILAN, June 3, 2015 – The Coca-Cola Company today unveiled the world’s first PET plastic bottle made entirely from plant materials at the World Expo ......