PRGR RED 505 Driver Review! | TourSpecGolf Golf Blog 圖片引用 #靠北老婆1526我真不曉得這算不算靠北但是每每發生事情的時候,我心裡只想到兩個字,就是靠背.....結婚11年了,兒子小三,這幾年來我老婆有點走神,使得我晚上都緊張兮兮不敢入睡兩年前,兒子下課後哭著跟我說他的聯絡簿被亂畫,我當下致電請老師查清楚,老師非常肯定是我兒子所為因為The head shape may be similar to the Supertri at address but as you noted the face is definitely different.It's hard to compare the driver to another one as PRGR is doing something new by focusing on a CG point, center point and bend point of the face.It ...