越南-男人天堂 可我,小命差點丟在那!單身越南之行 想起來,仍心有餘悸 自重吧!
Primary Slave Hard Disk Error [Solved] - Hard Drives - Storage 以下圖源翻攝自bh 今天看到3年前一位大陸鄉民去越南的把妹遊記,覺得很有意思,想跟大家分享一下…(註:以下圖片來源網路) 原PO 都說越南美女如雲,我抱著疑惑的態度,開始了我的單身越南之行,此行也不是看美女那麼簡單,我也是另有目的的,四天下來,雖然累的夠嗆,差點還被暴打,但收穫實在不I'm not sure how do I check? Also, it's been running perfectly for about a year an a half. you'll need to test your harddrive in another pc. Its possible that your motherbd controller has failed or the drives themselves have failed. So, I put it in my bud...