prime number

Prime Number Magazine    美麗的某小姐有一個不太好的習慣,就是喜歡放屁。 一天,這位小姐要搭公車上班, 身邊照例有數位熱情的追求者尾隨在她後面, 上了車沒多久,小姐的老毛病就忍不住犯了, 身邊一位男士很機警馬上大聲說"是我放的" 可是沒過多久,小姐PRIME NUMBER is a new literary magazine featuring distinctive fiction (flash and short stories), poetry, and non-fiction, as well as book reviews, craft essays, and interviews. ... Enter the 53-Word Story Contest—for free!...


Prime Number -- from Wolfram MathWorld      有一天老師在發作業,王小華、林小毛......王肚皮..王肚皮...  叫到王肚皮的時候沒人來領作業本..就在這時候,有位小朋友舉手說:「老師,我沒拿到作業本!」  老師說:「你叫什麼名字ㄚ!」  我 叫王月坡   &A prime number (or prime integer, often simply called a "prime" for short) is a positive integer p>1 that has no positive integer divisors other than 1 and p itself. More concisely, a prime number p is a positive integer having exactly one positive diviso...


Prime Pages - Official Site印地安人問他們的新酋長,這個冬天會是寒冷的還是溫暖的。 這位年輕的酋長從沒學過祖先的本事,他只是吩咐他們去撿木柴,然後,他走到一邊,給國家氣象局打電話。 “今年冬天的天氣會不會很糟糕?”他問。 “看上去是這樣的。”他得到這麼個回答。 於是酋長要求大家收Prime number research, records and resources. Includes largest known primes, finding and proving primes, glossary, curios, links....


Prime Number Calculator - - World of Math Online    老師:「大家現在來造一個句子.但是句子裡一定要有【糖】這個字。」 學生:「我在喝茶。」 老師:「"糖"在哪裡?」 學生:「在茶理。」     Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems instantly. ... Enter a number and the Prime Number Calculator will ......


數學資料庫 - 數學趣趣地 - 數學文章    有一次,  小明到了學校..老師看見他的右手斷了,便問:"才幾天不見,你的手是怎麼了?"  小明說:"因為我懶阿~"  老師又問:"為什麼懶手就會斷?"  他回答:"有一次上學途中,走阿走阿... 就有一顆小石子跑到我的鞋子裡...質數 一、 引言 人們一般把整數看作最基本的數,其他的數都由整數衍生出來。然而專門研究整數的人卻不是這樣看,他們認為質數才是最基本的數,因為任何大於 1 的正整數,若它不是質數,便是若干質數的積。...


Definition of Prime Number - Math is Fun - Maths Resources    在便利商店的後面四個賭鬼賭意正濃,突然警察來了他說:被我抓到了,第一個人說:我來跟朋友聊天,第二個說我來泡茶的,第三個說:我陪朋友,警察指向第四個人,說:絕對是你,第四個人說:你說我跟誰玩   Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents. ... A Prime Number can be divided evenly only by 1, or itself. And it must be a whole number greater than 1. Example: 5 can only be...
