Take a Screenshot on HTC Desire 500 - Print screen Desire 500 說到警察工作的危險程度,日本警察在全世界恐怕要算最低了! 超低的犯罪率,讓日本警察大部分時間都在處理一些“雞毛蒜皮”的小事。 平時別說手槍,就連電警棍都幾乎用不上,一根木棍就足夠打遍天下。 而且,一般只在HTC Desire 500 is mediochre device from Taiwanese giant HTC and it's easy to capture a screenshot on your HTC Desire 500. The smartphone comes with Android 4.2 jellybean and will replace the Desire x. Read ahead to know how can you capture a print screen ...