private browsing

Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history | Firefox Help  本草綱目除了記載羊奶性甘醇之外 還記載著一個真理...     看來 當時李時珍真的非常有遠見呢!Firefox Private Browsing is great for viewing websites without saving things like cookies, temp files, and a history of the pages you visit. ... Important: When in Private Browsing mode, the window title will say (Private Browsing) and there will be a pur...


Private browsing: it’s not so private | Ars Technica  真的超級恐怖的電影阿!!     看完會睡不著吧~ 對小番茄來說....Research by Stanford University to investigate the privacy of the "private browsing" feature of many Web browsers suggests that the tools aren't all that private after all, and that many kinds of information can be leaked by browsers when using the mode. ...
