Is Your Job-Seeking Behavior Proactive or Just Plain Desperate? | Monster.com 就在上個禮拜,墨西哥一個7歲女孩Sol的狗狗走丟了。 狗狗Morgan是她在今年5月份領養的,但是在8月初突然走失了。由於時間較短,家裡還沒有給它拍過照片。 Sol非常着急,四處尋找都未果,回到家後向媽媽哭訴。 媽媽決定在城市每If you’ve been unemployed for a while, you may be feeling a little desperate. But letting that feeling show during your job search can be the kiss of death. So what exactly distinguishes desperate job search behavior from proactive behavior -- and how can...