proe config pro

Search Pro/ENGINEER options 這隻狗一定預謀很久 © O. Corten Option Search Utility With this utility you can search through all options for Pro/ENGINEER / Creo Parametric. These options are found in the Help Documentation, the help you get within the application wh...


Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 組態選項 @ 韓多魯's 3D舞台 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::   真的是甜啊!!!!Proe/E WF3.0 選項設定全表,可依個人需求設定config.pro檔,config.pro檔的位置會因安裝的路徑而有所不同,可用搜尋檔案的方式找出來。 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfi...


Config.WIN File - PTC: Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) - Eng-Tips 蝦迷~~ 原來在古埃及時就已經有復仇者聯盟出現啦!!!!!What is the config option to load a specific config.WIN file? I have setup ProE the way I like and would like it to load that way every time I log on. Wildfire ... You can customize the look and feel of Pro/ENGINEER and the way in which Pro/ENGINEER runs ...


Pro Engineer - Wikibooks, open books for an open world 嘿嘿....看我們妖嬌美麗的坐姿     OH MY GOD!!!! 完全淡定不下來~~~~~ Pro/Engineer is the software product of PTC (Parametric Technology corporation) its initial versions were Pro/E 1, 2... up to 19. Later Pro/E launched sequentially versions as Pro/Engineer 2000; 2000i, 2000i 2;2001, Wildfire 1.0; Wildfire 2.0, Wildfire 3....


Pro/E Wildfire 5.0 Setup - PTC: Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) - Eng-Tips          正妹實在何苦呢...XDMake sure you are saving to the file in your startup directory. To determine the startup directory right click on the link to ProE and select properties. There will be a field that reads "Start in:". This directory is set during the initial ins...


設計人創意: 蘇米初學者教程For Pro/E – 工作環境佈置 W4.0 - yam天空部落     在美國南達科他州境內的拉什莫爾山(Mount Rushmore)雕刻著美國四位總統的頭像,而被人稱做“總統山”。 背後不為人知的祕密....         他們真的好辛苦喔...XD  & tree.cfg Config.pro是PROE的組態檔配置文件,經由修改新增Config.pro裡的參數可以得到或是修改許多功能。例如PU功能、單位設定、trail位置、線條的顯示品質、內定字型等,下面會說明。Config.pro預設的位置是在C:\ProgramFiles\proeWildfire 4.0\text底下。...
