Pro/Engineer table for drawing - PTC: Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) - Eng-Tips 圖片來源 現在年輕人喜歡去夜店玩 尤其西餐妹或者CCR等話題不斷 沒想到這次直接牽扯到「傳染病」那麼嚴重 ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 是說跟家人搬來新家有一陣子了原先隔壁鄰居是個少奶奶但好像她買房不是要用來住的所以就租給別人了印象中她租給了一群大學生 有男有女之前常常在半夜鬧哄哄的 因為隔音很Hi, I have a table that has the dimensions for a family of parts in excel. I am now making the detail of the family of parts in a tabulated drawing. I know that I can create a table in Pro/Engineer by doing the following: Table--> Insert--> Table Create a...