Viktor's DIY: Programmable Timer Switch 一個男人的告白:「男人在沒認定一個人之前,都是單身。這跟身旁有沒有伴,沒有任何關聯。」 在他轉身進入健身房的那一刻,妳突然清楚意識到一件事。當他在一個星期當中,見到健身教練的時間比自己還多時,或許就是需要思考這段感情的時候了。 妳知道他一定會覺得妳這樣很幼稚。因為妳一個人也可以過得很好。在很久以前Introduction This project, like others before, has started out of need: our 30+ year old mechanical timer for the central heater of the house has finally given it up. It would have been faster and cheaper to get a replacement from the local hardware store...