Google Taps Yezz For First Project Ara Modules, Working Smartphone Coming Spiral 3 (Updated)有個人在路邊撿到錢 送到警察局 上帝聽說了之後 打算給那好心人一個願望 上帝問 你有什麼願望嗎 那個人想了想 聽說貓都有9條命 那請您賜給我9條命吧 上帝說 你的願望實現囉 有一天 Yezz just might be one of the most important tech companies you've never heard of. The company has been sending out teaser emails ahead of MWC 2015 saying vague things such as "Yezz has adopted Project Ara," which could mean anything, really. We visited t...