Project Ara - Official Site 套一句小S說的話:「挑男人沒別的,就是要疼你,任他再有錢、再有才華、再帥、口才再好、智慧再高、能力再強、孝順感動天、大愛助眾生,不疼你,一點屁用都沒有!」怎麼知道這男人疼不疼你 (圖片來源:真愛遇到他劇照) 羽逸 我們都知道,異性第一眼的動作,談吐,脾氣,都The smartphone is one of the most empowering and intimate objects in our lives. Yet most of us have little say in how the device is made, what it does, and how it looks. And 5 billion of us don't have one. What if you could make thoughtful choices about e...